"Incredible Shrinking Woman" card by Fresh Frances www.freshfrances.com
Noelle: You and I combined make the perfect woman
Dr. Abby Barnes: No. You and I combined make the perfect political prisoner. What we really do well is act self-righteous and starve.
The above quote is from one of my all-time favorite movies "The Truth About Cats and Dogs" OK its not Antonioni or Fellini- I'm shallow, it works for me. On a Saturday night it beats a bad date, on a Sunday afternoon I can fall asleep in the middle and still wake up knowing what's happening. In it the hero falls for the cute short brunette instead of goddess and sylph Uma Thurman. It's a fairy tale, but I've bought it. (hmmm senseing a crack in an otherwise flawlessly crusty exterior... DANGER Will Robinson, DANGER)
I told you that story to tell you this one. Recent photographs have revealed to me that, while I love my body, there is a bit more of it than I actually need. Since all of you have been such incredible support in my writing, drawing and photography (not to mention laughing at my jokes- I love when you do that) I am going to share this with you. I am on a quest. Buried here beneath 30-odd extra pounds is my true inner sylph. My former therapist and all my pals have reassured me that thin people have the same problems and challenges that I do (though a thin person does not have to lie on the bed , knees bent, to slide into her jeans- don't laugh- it's happened to you too, hasn't it...) I'd like to view the whole thing from the low end of the clothing rack, where say the size 8's are.
Also. I am not a patient woman. My goal is 2.5 lbs a week. Lofty. I have omitted bagels and my heart hurts. I am walking more- so I have to carry my heels in a little bag- next week, the gym- if I can get my act out of bed in time. So we will see. If nothing else I will be healthier. Hopefully I can make this mesh with my other goal of exploring the ice cream places in Eastern CT... we will see.
Starting now, next to my usual sign off :) X I am starting a countdown from 30 (weight I would like to lose) I would just post my current weight but as no one has threatened to stake me out on an anthill naked and covered in honey- that won't be happening. So wish me luck. I wish you love.
And my favorite line from "Cats and Dogs"
Noelle: Disappointment doesn't kill
Dr. Abby Barnes: Right... rejection kills. Disappointment only maims.
:) x 30
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