Taking a break, mentally from Houston, which so far is gray, cloudy and at 50 degrees, colder than I packed for... and filled with the most agressive drivers I have seen since Mad Max the Road Warrior. (My mantra- "there's no place like home, there's NO place like HOME".) I give you my latest and scariest NYC discovery.
Todai Restaurant www.todainyc.com Located at
6 E. 32nd St. I had buzzed by a few times on my way to an appointment and been amused by the Happy Squid waving from the lobby.
The restaurants on 32nd Street are mostly Korean and fairly daunting as ... well, nobody in there looks a bit like me. Frankly I worry that without my occidental posse I might not be welcomed- or at the very least commit some grievous error in etiquette for which the waiter will need to kill me or himself.
But who says "No" to a happy squid? Or an all you can eat buffet of Asian delicacies including sushi, snow crab legs, all sorts of grilled meats and really scary skewered shrimp with their heads on... (I had VLH decapitate- I tried but it kept LOOKING at me)This and much more for the prime time price of $27.95 (I think it's about $3-$5 cheaper if you go on a weeknight) I worried that If this place catches on I may not be able to get in but with seating for 700 and a buffet LITERALLY a city block long- I could tell a few of you...

A little salad

A lotta sushi

THEIR dessert bar

VLH's dessert plate (I helped...)
Bon Appetit!
Are you sure that is a squid? Looks like a happy rubber to me!!
Well at least its a HAPPY yellow rubber...
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