"Hummingbird Feeders" Balboa Park, San Diego
There are phrases in the English language that are pure music to the ear- "The tumor is benign" "I love you, too" "This one's on the house" or "No your tush looks just fine in those pants...c'mere...". I learned a new musical phrase this week- albiet offered by a box on the dashboard- there is no more beautiful phrase to the ear than "You have reached your destination"
Me and the PT Cruiser gave the Garmin GPS a real workout as I seemed to test and retest the recalculating route function OVER and over. But I got everyplace I needed to and if I wasn't early (I gave an hour for every 15 minute journey) I was always on time. And it got fun. One night I was even brave enough to turn on the radio as I drove back to the hotel and Garth Brooks was good company for that last leg of the journey.
One cool stop on the trip was Balboa Park and a visit with the Corporate Sponsorship specialist at the Old Globe Theater. I got the full backstage tour as well as tickets for that evening's performance of "A Catered Affair" (more on that later- Harvey Fierstein, Faith Prince and Tom Wopat deserve much more than a footnote).
Because I had appointments in the daytime and theater tickets at the park in the same day I got to see two sides of the park- day and night. I ALSO got to visit backstage as they prepared for the next show to enter the space. The costumes should give it away... if not- read on.

An ancient tree with roots that stretched into another world...

El Teatro del Prato

Backstage at the Globe

The Costume Shop


This costume belonged to a character known only to the backstage crew as "Palm Beach Who"

Who heads

The Night...

In walking through (and driving......) I have to say that it was difficult at times to discern between the stage fantasy and the dream that has become the life I am living. It is all so beautiful and strange. Sometimes I get scared. A little bit I get lonely- and want to have a friend close-by. But the phone, the IM and the e-mail keep me connected when I need a check in with my own voluminous roots. And when I share these images and thoughts- I know I am very much, not alone. You walk with me. And laugh. And wish, right along with me, that we could stay just a bit longer and see the Globe Theater's offering of:
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
You knew that didnt you- ya Who- you!
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