It has been 5 days. The fever has set in and I believe (and this is not paranoia or the gin talking)that people are avoiding me. I have showered, dressed well and even baked cookies but when I walk up to a group of people at the water cooler (or heater, it makes tea, too) they scatter like gazelle in the presence of a hungry lion. My instant messages sprout "I'm away from aol right now" replies faster than you can say- well, anything.
I exaggerate. It's that I WANT to show all my friends every blog entry, say LOOK the type no longer wraps around in the wonky way it did on my 1st entry. But my friends have lives. They have children, teach Hebrew school, play euchre, meditate and even play golf or the guitar (you all know who you are). I love you all because you have lives, and interests- even ones I do not share- (I do not play euchre or even understand it but I love the way it is spelled and that it perpetuates my favorite of all meals- the "pot luck"- antecedent of the salad bar and ensures that Durkee's French Fried Onion Rings will never disappear from supermarket shelves.)
It is now time to call in my markers. I have sat and listened to your broken dreams, shattered hopes and brought out the Elmer's and compassionately helped you piece it all together. I have cooked, baked, drawn and shlepped through countless family parties (YOUR family not mine) apartment moves (once a month when we were younger- thank goodness we have gotten too lazy to run around like that any more)celebrated and commiserated birthdays and even held hands with you through the loss of everything from a goldfish to a husband with an unwavering compassion.
It's my turn. I wish to be fawned over- nay, worshipped and applauded. I want you to quit being embroiled in whatever everyday piece of business you call your lives and click the link I have put on every piece of e-mail I send now (realizing "ephemerist" is not a word in everyone's spelling lexicon) and just LOOK. Claim you read it- LIE to me- its ok. I am in the deep throes of this thing and I expect- like every time I have supported your dreams, however far-fetched or fantastic (you'd be a GREAT _________. Insert profession or goal or state of matrimonial or partnership bliss here, I have cheerleaded them all) that you will humor me. Like when I had the bake shop - all of you gained at least 5 lbs apiece supporting me on that one. And I thank you.
Rest assured, even I know I can't keep this up...(pray this is true) but until strangers start looking at my blog I need you guys. For just a little. Pretty please.
Don't worry about keeping it up...
just pace yourself. You speak from your heart and you make me laugh.
wrong, its not all about you, it IS you ! i read your amazingly crafted words, and i hear your voice, every inflection and intonation that makes those sounds be YOU. pomp and circus-stance ! awesome is too trite and limp....however i describe it, i love it. ok, lets be trite, better than those other {expletive deleted}-isms of which we have all suffered far too much, now we have melanieisms.....to make us laugh and think and feel.
its late, i'm tired, you are incredible ( but we all already know that of you melanie), thank you for the pieces of you, keep writing...sweet dreams
ps: and i even looked up ephemerist in the dictionary, maybe it will now make it in to my lexicon
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