Corner of Broadway and 72nd 3/14 7:32 pm
When I see neon like this, I just need to start writing like Raymond Chandler...
He stood under the bar's neon light, paused like water frozen in a sluice by the river, his craggy face lit from below by the glow of his silver lighter. His hand obscured the monogram on the lighter's side, but not the memories- of the sweet woman who gave it to him- or the night he sent her to jail...
He was going to miss her. But she shouldn't have crossed him that night in Poughkeepsie. No one ever crossed him, twice. Not even his mom.
OK I can't keep a straight story going for long... it hurts. :) X
the only thing missing was, "It was a dark and stormy night..."
Foolish Kiwi
It is impossible to keep your zippo lit on a "dark and stormy night"
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