NYC City hall 7:22 pm 3.16.07
This title to this entry means "welcome" in Chinese according to www.mandarintools.com
Around 7 pm Eastern Standard time, a half dozen or so folks stopped by The Notebook, from China. Hello there!
I was really wowed. I mean, at this point there are maybe 100 visitors a week coming here- half of them are me.
The rest are mostly really good friends who support me (big hugs and kisses). And my god-daughter and all time favorite adolescent, Nicola Brown (hi honey- mom says you even laugh at some of this stuff- I love that! Remember to ask her when you are coming to NY, and don't forget to whine like I taught you.)
But back to China. If I may address you folks- HOW did you get HERE? I imagined it might be through Jillian's blog in Australia but I would LOVE to know. Please leave a comment or a clue. I have a very small frame of reference for China- Chinese take-out NY style, which I imagine is nothing like what people eat in China. The Great Wall and the Forbidden City, 2 places I have on my list to visit. And when I was 6, my sister and I would try to dig to China in the front yard using my grandmothers big silver serving spoons (we had perfectly good shovels but I guess if we were travelling that far we wanted to have the proper utensils- should we be asked to dinner.) The goal for us was to come out- as the cartoons we watched prophesized, upside down. Sadly, we lacked the tenacity to reach the concrete bottom of the flower bed we were digging in- it was about 18" deep (Hey! We were only about 38 inches high- that was a lot of digging. We also had to be in bed by 7.)
Also- as wonderful as my visitors from the East are, if you do not know me- (or even if you do... but my friends already know this) Leave a comment- let me know how you got here. This is all so amazing. I don't want to miss any one of you.
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