The Fried Macaroni and Cheese Nugget from Sonic
Pure evil. 280 calories 140 of them pure unadulterated FAT. Fortunately only available from Sonic for, as Sherell the fast talking Sonic counter girl assured me- for the season. I was wondering... WHICH season? The Cholesterol Season? Say... September until death by arterial clogging? Or the holiday season- which needs no help after stuffing, pies and Christmas cookies, potato latkes and chanukah gelt to pack on an additional 10 lbs from November to January which will cling to your hips like a horn dog ex-boyfriend until the promise of summer forces you to brutally shake them (the pounds, not the boyfriend) by dining on water and celery until thinner or fed up. Oh. And the worst news- they're really tasty.

Wedding Flags in La Marqueta San Antonio

A stylish lady of San Antonio... thos one OBVIOUSLY gave the mac and cheese nuggets a miss...

The Guadalajara Grill in La Villeta, the original settlement of San Antonio. A note to the ... well to myself. When you have a post awful cold stomach do not, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, order the smoked tuna enchiladas with chipotle sauce. Even on a good day.. well, Montezuma's reach, in the name of revenge, is extensive and truly potent.

The Alamo. Located MOST unfortunately next to a BIG mall and across from a Ripley's Believe it or Not

A friend suggested not only that I tell their child about jackelopes but that I ran this particular one over with my rental car.
And then there was the mess...
There was a horrendous line at security in the airport going from San Antonio to Dallas. One frustrated woman, an hour into the wait announced to everyone in the line- "I have NO idea why this is taking so long. All they have to do is search the Muslims." I could not help myself. I said out loud "Oh my God". A man next to me said "Yeah". Except he wasn't saying it to me- he was saying it to the woman who made the initial comment.
The next two days the comment stayed with me and then outside the Alamo I saw the most adorable Mexican child. Her abuela was sitting having a cold drink in the shade and the baby wandered back and forth waving a tissue like an unofficial greeter of Alamo visitors. I thought about Davy Crockett. And General Santa Anna. Lots of strife. Certainly not a great deal of love for Mexicans back then in San Antonio. And yet here we were. And here was this tiny muchacha waving hello. Things pass. Ultimately despite whatever the day's strife- approach with love, openness and innocence. This and time and the rest all passes. Especially with love.

You know who you are. :) X
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