Finding a kosher chicken at the holidays- not so hard in NYC
Last night was the 1st night of Hanukah. Aside from phone calls to the near and dear and a pork product/cream sauce dinner at a "red sauce joint" in Hoboken, the first night did not have that holiday feeling. I didn't light any candles. The candle lighting prayer was said, albeit over a plate of (oy a shanda) shellfish fra diavolo. I have deferred my gift giving until Christmas eve- offering the excuse of flying to and fro as the (weak, so weak) reason why I haven't gotten to the gift shopping. Truth be told I seem to have found PLENTY of time to shop for me.
But I am not avoiding the holiday. I want to stretch it out. I want... well- I thought I would offer a wish list for Hanukah:
I want more time- with friends, and people I love, and with my pillow on cold winter mornings
I want a reason to get out of bed- and a reason to stay five more minutes (you know who you are)
I want to laugh so hard my ribs hurt
And to shed a couple of tears to remember there are two sides to every coin- but we make a choice each time we flip it as to how we deal with the result
I want to be better- at ALL of it- and yet be satisfied at the end of each day that I brought the best I had in myself to that day
I want my favorite foods to be calorie free. Understand here (as we learned from the panty fairy, wishes must be specific) I do NOT want to learn to love iceberg lettuce and celery- I want pizza to never, ever stick to my hips- even with extra cheese.
Also in the food vein- I would like people to give fruitcake a second chance- it's yummy- and just plain misunderstood.
I'd like to spend an hour with the folks that....aren't with me, here, anymore. It would be great just to have enough time to tell each of them I love them one more time.
Not so much to ask- and any one of them would be a terrific gift all on its own (except maybe the fruitcake- if fruitcake catches on there will be less of it for me... not such a good thing)So- until I open the first branch of the Fruitcake anti-defamation league(and weight loss emporium) I will just wish you dreidels, lots of gelt, latkes (sour cream or applesauce- you choose) and jelly doughnuts, non-drippy candles and 8 great wishes to end the year.
:) X
wow... i can't top that.
here i was just gonna wish you a chappy chanukah, b...
I think that's what he said, too...just takes longer in Portuguese....
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