"M" is for Melanie Photos, Food and so much more, by Gabriela. Vielen Danke Zucherkopf.
In an effort to document every last second of party day... I lost the morning's pics. Those of you who would have liked to see me with a cat on my head, well, check the blog more often hmmmmm? Gaby sent me an earlier version...TY again Z- for clarity, for directness, for being my very favorite ...pain :)

Verne and I put together the barbeque with instructions created by non-English speaking sadistic space aliens

With only 7 left over screws...it holds together!

This strange structure manifested itself during the course of the event begging the question (over and over AND over) What the HECK is a henge?
A monument defined by the presence of an enclosure, usually made by a circular ditch and bank system, up to 500 m in diameter literally, "hanging rock," this term is often applied to the Neolithic stone monoliths found in Britian. But without a single Druid in attendance a second question presents itself- what nut-job found time to do this?

Meanwhile inside we start the day off with a "Zucherkopf"
One part (BIG part) Tanqueray, 1 part diet cranberry ginger ale and lots of lime and ice. Breakfast is recommended before consuming this...

I didn't have breakfast. The effect of a Zucherkopf on an empty stomach is similar to the effect of being hit in the head with a lemon slice, which had been wrapped around a brick.

The Zucherkopf has an effect on Gaby as well- she has her OWN gap!

Lunch is served...

Fred and Chris


Chris and Betty


A big squeeze from the evil twin (Me pretty, You evil- deal with it)











Kiwi and Skye

Margo and Cobbler

Me and Cobbler- slightly different...



Donna Charlotte and Annelise

Skye and I Play Imaginary Twister

Skye Wins

In the grape arbor

It's not a party without a few boo-boos. Upside: got me out of doing the dishes...


I did, Annelise.
:) X
Some photos from Dove... This is beginning to take on the proportions of one of those home movies from my childhood- in a not-so-good kind of way...