It's Official. I have been 47 for 25 minutes. I love my birthday and as I do every year I will be celebrating it all through Memorial Day weekend with friends from near and far... For now- at the start of the big 'ol birthday extravaganza- 47 things to be thankful for. NOT in order of importance
47. Being able to cook
46. The big bowl of Peanuts on the kitchen table
45. My porch
44. My body, my health- I am so fortunate.
43. My VCR so I can watch all my "old" movies like Desperately Seeking Susan
42. Limewire
41. My camera
40. Minnie
39. Onion Naan
38. Verbal Incontinence
37. Lavender Salt Scrub
35. Marcelo- my teacher
34. Caipirinhas
33. Long Car Rides
32. Ratatouille, the Movie
31. Wikipedia
30. The Recycling Bin
29. The Mels... Syd, Mirm and Julie
28. Learning to stand up for myself
27. Learning to be soft but strong
26. Learning to Kayak
25. Ferrets
24. Asking Questions
23. Conquering my Shoe Habit (kind of)
22. U-Lik-It
21. Finding out Brooklyn is also in Connecticut
20. Finding a Spirit Father in Fred
19. Room Service
18. Remembering to Draw
17. Crowns and Tiaras
16. My new brother Jim Wood
15. My evil twin
14. Gabriela, the best friend I could have
13. Skye- for his distinct point of view
12. Skye because he loves me
11. Eddie Izzard, Jeff Foxworthy, Robin Williams
10. Martin's hugs
9. Charlotte and Al
8. My recipe for macaroons
7. Work that I have a passion for
6. Prayers that make me whole
5. Life that is better than anything I could have planned, imagined or asked for
4. The newfound compassionate heart of Dove
3. Diet Coke with Vitamins
2. Finding a voice I thought was lost, here.
1. All of you to write to
It's late... I could write more... but I worry you will think I am older than 47
:) X
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