"I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, long foreplay, show tunes, and that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, I believe that there oughtta be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astro-turf and the designated hitter, I believe in the 'sweet spot,' voting every election, soft core pornography, chocolate chip cookies, opening your presents on Christmas morning rather than Christmas eve, and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last for seven days." - Ron Shelton, speech by by Kevin Costner as "Crash" Davis in "Bull Durham".
It takes the human body five days to digest a maraschino cherry. I just found that out today.
I believe in knowing what you believe in. And in saying so.
I believe that sundaes are called just that because you should have one once a week. I believe afternoon naps are proof of the existence of God. I believe if a man cannot make me laugh- he probably won't be very good in bed, either. I believe in the Cadbury Bunny, and dancing in the rain, I believe in singing out loud- even if you do it badly. I believe that a hug cures most any human ill and that a good kiss deserves your complete attention. I believe that Chuck Jones should win a Nobel Peace Prize if only for allowing parents that extra hour of sleep on a Saturday while the kids watch cartoons. I believe being mean to anyone should be illegal. I believe in giggling and blushing no matter what age you are, and that courtesy is anything but common and more of it would save the world. I believe not only in not doing harm to a place but doing your damndest to make it a little better before you leave it. I believe in saying "I love you" when I feel it and not waiting or worrying if I hear it back. I believe in loud belly kisses and the beauty of a cloudless blue summer sky and never missing an opportunity to walk barefoot in the grass. I believe that friends are family and that true love doesn't ever die.
And I believe in maraschino cherries. Because the things that make me that happy are worth the work.
What do you believe in?
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