The internet is making me VERY unproductive. I can't get to writing my magnum opus on Paprika (this is a piece 25 years in the planning...) because people keep showing me things. And then I have to share them. And then we have to compare notes on our thoughts (and ALL of this when we are in the most productive hours of the day (say between the hours of 1 am and 4 am- the space formerly wasted on sleep....pah- 45 minutes a night is enough for anyone- where's your stamina?).
The worst offenders are the cat websites. I have A cat. I am not a single cat lady with 57 felines for company. My cat does not have a huge range of toys, just a stuffed dreidel and gefilte fish my friend Wendy bought her for Chanukah- which she loves. I do not use a falsetto voice when friends ask me about her, or pretend she has a voice of her own, and what passes for endearments when she and I are alone- well- that's our affair.
BUT these websites are KILLING me. There is www.vikingkittens.com. Just go- I could describe it but it needs to be seen- and heard. Then there is a better one... (ok.. better meaning I waste an even larger portion of my beauty rest on it - these days I look like Lily Munster- post mortem- and Fred Gwynne is not around to adore me (sigh) ) www.stuffonmycat.com. Be warned- the pictures are cute, and funny. But this website is guaranteed to adversely affect the trust segment of your relationship with your feline. Suddenly you will be chasing the cat around yelling "HOLD STILL- it's JUST a GARTER BELT". All so you can post a photo of your cat as feline fatale. You can lose more than just the trust of your cat here- if your kitty is as (ahem) strong willed as mine- you better check that the local blood bank is well stocked on your brand. You'll need it.
And lastly, I found, TOTALLY by accident, a site called www.kittenwars.com. And all I can say is:

Vote for MINNIE Or she will bite you.
A little addition here... to monitor Minnie's ascent to CUTEST kitten EVER check out http://kittenwar.com/kittens/124300/
:) X
no, no, no, no, no: Shady Half-pint, Son of Satan, Spawn of Hell shall prevail... His toys don't say "oy vey" when you squeeze them.
In the interest of fairness and that all may judge for theyselves. Check out Shady Demon Spawn at http://kittenwar.com/kittens/124296
It IS a cute picture- after all, I took it.
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